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Catalogue 80mm Model Figures Squadron Range
Scuplted by; Allan Caton
SQN80 1 Drum Major, Saluting, King’s African Rifles circa 1956.
SQN80 2 Royal Fusilier, crouching position firing over wall, 1914.
SQN80 3 Private, 3rd Prussian Garde Regiment zu Fusse.
SQN80 4 Trooper, Belgian Guides,1914.
SQN80 5 Private, Fijian Regiment, circa 1970.
SQN80 6 Officer, Russian Escort Cossacks (Konvoi) circa 1911.
SQN80 7 Private, West Indian Regiment, circa 1890.
SQN80 8 Officer, 23rd Foot Royal Welsh Fusiliers circa 1740.
SQN80 9 Officer, German Line Infantry, crouching behind wall, 1914.
SQN80 10 Paratrooper in Helmet, carrying rifle, 1944.
SQN80 11 Paratrooper, M.G. section, 1944.
SQN80 12 Pony Major with Mascot, Parachute Regiment circa 1984.
SQN80 13 Lancer, N.C.O. Poland 1915.
SQN80 14 Sapeur, French Line Dragoons, circa 1801.
SQN80 15 Naik Gurkha Rifles, Malaya 1944.
SQN80 16 Band Corporal, 78th Highlanders, Ross, shire Buffs 1859.
SQN80 17 Captain, 3rd King’s Own Hussars, Western Desert 1940.
SQN80 18 Air Mechanics, R.F. circa 1915.
SQN80 19 Trumpeter Casual, Lord Hopton’s Lifeguard 1644.
SQN80 20 Cymbalist Casual, French Imperial Guards, 1802.
SQN80 21 Officer, with signpost, 10th P.O.W. Hussars 1814.
SQN80 22 Private, firing A.A. Lewis Gun, British 1916.
SQN80 23 Lance Naik Outram’s Rifles. 1911.
SQN80 24 Knight Hospitaller circa 1550.
SQN80 25 Officer, 1st. Battalion, 5th Punjab circa 1922.
SQN80 26 Private, Kneeling to receive Cavalry, 92nd Regiment 1815.
SQN80 27 Jäger, at attention with ordered Arms, Prussian Garde Jäger Regiment circa 1900.
SQN80 28 R.S.M. at attention, Seaforth Highlanders, Boer War.
SQN80 29 Drum Major, marching, The Parachute Regiment, 1984.
SQN80 30 Bandsman, at attention with Keyed bugle, 11th Foot 1858.
SQN80 31 Officer, Luftwaffe, summer 1940.
SQN80 32 Musketeer British Line Infantry circa 1750.
SQN80 33 Sergeant, Nigeria Regiment R.W.A.F.F. circa 1930.
SQN80 34 Pony Major and Mascot Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 1975.
SQN80 35 Private Black Watch, France 1915.
SQN80 36 Trumpeter Polish Lancers of the Guard 1812.
SQN80 37 S.A.S. Malaya 1952.
SQN80 38 Indian Scout U.S. Cavalry 1876.
SQN80 39 Corporal Royal Military Police 1984.
SQN80 40 Japanese Ninja.
SQN80 41 Drum Major Kenyan Army circa 1980.
SQN80 42 Musketeer New Model Army.
SQN80 43 U.S. Infantry Vietnam.
SQN80 44 Private, 24th Foot 1879.
SQN80 45 Major 1st. Fallschirm Jäger Division, 1944.
SQN80 46 Officer Nawanagar State Force Lancers circa 1895.
SQN80 47 Private 5th. Loyal London Volunteers circa 1804.
SQN80 48 Private Confederate Infantry circa 1863.
SQN80 49 Sir Oliver D’Ingham circa 1340.
SQN80 50 Vice Admiral Lord Nelson circa 1805.
SQN80 51 Drum Major Central Band R.A.F. 1985.
SQN80 52 Royal Irish Ranger and Mascot 1984.
SQN80 53 Japanese Ronin, circa 1600.
SQN80 54 Legionaire, walking out dress Tonkin, French Foreign Legion, circa 1886.
SQN80 55 Japanese Ashigaru circa 1600.
SQN80 56 Private British Infantry Palestine 1916.
SQN80 57 Trooper, sitting, Parachute Regiment, North Ireland 1983.
SQN80 58 Officer, Gwalior State Force Mountain Artillery circa 1896.
SQN80 59 Engineer, Seige Armour, English Civil War, circa 1650.
SQN80 60 Private H.L.I. circa 1900.
SQN80 61 Private Pavlov Grenadiers, Russia 1812.
SQN80 62 Constable N.W.M.P. Winter 1884.
SQN80 63 Private, French Revolution, 1793.
SQN80 64 Davey Crockett. 1836. (150th. Ann. Alamo).
SQN80 65 Side Drummer 16th./5th. Lancers.
SQN80 66 Commando WWII.
SQN80 67 Pioneer Grenadier Guards 1896.
SQN80 68 Private Royal Horse Guards 1821.
SQN80 69 Royal Navy Gun Team 1985.
SQN80 70 “Breaker” Morant 1901.
SQN80 71 Private 92nd. Foot 1857.
SQN80 72 Commandant Governor General’s Bodyguard India 1889.
SQN80 73 Officer Madras Horse Artillery 1857.
SQN80 74 Officer RAF in dinghy 1940.
SQN80 75 Officer General Staff 1917.
SQN80 76 Drum Major, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers 1984.
SQN80 77 Mascot and Handler, Irish Guards 1985.
SQN80 78 Trumpeter Chasseurs A Cheval circa 1810.
SQN80 79 Drum Major 5th. Paratrooper Company. 1947.
SQN80 80 French Line Infantry Private 1812. Retreat from Moscow (part 1).
SQN80 81 Sergeant Lothian and Berwickshire Yeomanry circa 1897.
SQN80 82 French Line Dragoon 1812, Retreat from Moscow (Part 2).
SQN80 83 Japanese Samurai Warrior.
SQN80 84 Pioneer 93rd. Highlanders 1875.
SQN80 85 Major 21st. S.A.S. No. 1 Dress 1980.
SQN80 86 Officer, Indian 23rd. Cavalry 1887.
SQN80 87 Zulu Warrior 1879.
SQN80 88 Private Union Infantry A.CIRCAW. 1861.
SQN80 89 Private British Infantry 1858.
SQN80 90 Trumpeter Saxon Karabinier Regiment, 1900.
SQN80 91 Drum Major 45th. Rattray’s Sikhs 1890.
SQN80 92 Officer 6th. Inniskillings Dragoons circa 1900.
SQN80 93 Drummer Wehrmacht Infantry circa 1942.
SQN80 94 Sergeant Royal Fusiliers circa 1895.
SQN80 95 Officer German 1st. Garde Dragoons circa 1895.
SQN80 96 Sergeant U.S. Infantry 1944.
SQN80 97 Private West India Regiment. Ashantee Campaign 1873.
SQN80 98 Sergeant D. Edwards R.W.F. Mess Dress circa 1980.
SQN80 99 Trooper S.A.S. Counter Terrorist Commando 1984.
SQN80 100 Trumpeter Mounted Governor General’s Bodyguard 1899.
SQN80 101 Scout Mounted Infantry circa 1895.
SQN80 102 Private French Line Infantry. Retreat from Moscow (Part. 3).
SQN80 103 Lewis Gunner 8th. Infantry Battalion A.I.F. 1918.
SQN80 104 Gunner R.H.A. Indian Mutiny.
SQN80 105 Drummer South Wales Borderers circa 1905.
SQN80 106 Trooper 7th U.S. Cavalry 1876. Custer’s last stand (part 1).
SQN80 107 Officer 1st Madras Lancers 1887.
SQN80 108 Trooper Vahey 17th Lancers 1854.
SQN80 109 Indian Officer Gvn. General’s Bodyguard 1889.
SQN80 110 Private 14th. New York State Militia A.C.W.
SQN80 111 Officer Queen’s Own Highlander 1983 No. 1 Dress.
SQN80 112 Trooper 7th. U.S. Cavalry 1876. Custer’s Last Stand (Part 2).
SQN80 113 Marshal Ney 1812. Retreat from Moscow (Part 4).
SQN80 114 Sir Francis Drake 1588.
SQN80 115 Officer S.S. Division Handschar circa 1944.
SQN80 116 Private German Line Infantry circa 1914.
SQN80 117 Corporal Grenadier Guards, guard order circa 1938.
SQN80 118 Lieutenant Colonel, George Armstrong Custer 1876. Custer’s last stand (part 3).
SQN80 119 Officer 11th. Hussars 1854.
SQN80 120 Officer Probyns Horse 1857.
SQN80 121 Officer Royal Engineers circa 1890.
SQN80 122 Officer S.A.S. N. Africa 1942.
SQN80 123 Sergeant Grenadier Guards 1854. (The Roll Call).
SQN80 124 Wounded Guidon Bearer 7th U.S. Cavalry 1876.
SQN80 125 “Armistice 1918” British Private.
SQN80 126 Trooper 7th U.S. Cavalry 1876 (Custer’s Last Stand, part 5).
SQN80 127 Private Black Watch Egypt 1882.
SQN80 128 Trooper 7th U.S. Cavalry 1876, Custer’s Last Stand (part 6).
SQN80 129 Ranger, Custer's Last Stand