British Line Infantry of the Napoleonic Wars 
Command Group

British Line Infantry set 0706 ToL

Toy soldiers and model soldiers of highest quality  

Handmade in the United Kingdom  British Flag Tradition of London   and Sweden   Swedish Toy Soldiers Tradition of London

T54 433 Field Marshal Prince Charles of Lorraine Painted

T54 433 Field Marshal Prince Charles of LorraineThe Austro Hungarian Army c.1757, 54mm Model SoldiersAl...
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Painted in Matt

M54 42 Trumpeter 8th Dragoons Painted

M54 42 Trumpeter8th DragoonsThe Prussian Army 1756-1763, 54mm Model SoldiersAll the figures are made fr...
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Painted in Matt

M54 41 Standard Bearer 8th Dragoons Painted

M54 41 Standard Bearer8th DragoonsThe Prussian Army 1756-1763, 54mm Model SoldiersAll the figures are m...
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Painted in Matt

M54 34 Trumpeter Cuirassier Regiment No. 13 Gardes du Corps Painted

M54 34 TrumpeterCuirassier Regiment No. 13 Gardes du CorpsThe Prussian Army 1756-1763, 54mm Model Soldi...
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Painted in Matt

JR 1A Charles Edward Stuart The Jacobite Rebellion 1745 Painted

JR 1A Charles Edward StuartThe Jacobite Rebellion 1745, 54mm Model SoldiersAll the figures are made fro...
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Painted in Matt

RC90 049 Non Commissioned Officer Painted

RC90 049 Non Commissioned Officer1st Guard Battalion No.15The Prussian Army 1753 to 1786, 90mm Model So...
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JW90 035B Corporal of Fusiliers Painted

JW90 035B Corporal of FusiliersLine Infantry 1804-1812The French Napoleonic Army Foot Troops, 90mm Mode...
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T54 007 Gross Grenadier 1st Guard Battalion No. 15, 1753-1786 Painted

T54 007 Gross Grenadier1st Guard Battalion No. 15 1753-1786The Prussian Army, 54mm Model SoldiersAll th...
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Painted in Matt

M54 21 William the Conqueror 1066 Painted

M54 21 William the Conqueror 1066 William I, Williame I, 1028– 9 September 1087, usually known as Will...
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Painted in Matt

AL54 10 T.S. Officer Charles XI Bodyguard Painted

AL54 10 T.S. Officer Charles XI Bodyguard PaintedThe Honorary Bodyguard of the Swedish King. Uniform da...
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Painted in Matt

T54 456 Private Infantry Bosnia Herzegovina Painted

T54 456 Private Infantry Bosnia HerzegovinaThe Austro Hungarian Army c.1900, 54mm Model Soldiers...
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Painted in Matt

T54 333 Manfred Von Richtofen Painted

T54 333 Manfred Von RichtofenThe First World War The German Army c.1916, 54mm Model SoldiersAll the fig...
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Painted in Matt

T54 632 Infantryman in greatcoat Painted

T54 632 Infantryman in greatcoatThe First World War The British Army 1914-1918, 54mm Model SoldiersAll ...
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Painted in Matt

T54 558 Earl of Cardigan Painted

T54 558 Earl of CardiganThe Crimean War 1854, 54mm Model SoldiersAll the figures are made from white me...
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Painted in Matt

M54 44 Trooper 17th Lancers Painted

M54 44 Trooper 17th LancersThe Crimean War 1854, 54mm Model SoldiersAll the figures are made from white...
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Painted in Matt

TG54 06 Royal Scots Greys Officer and 92nd Highlander Painted

TG54 06 Royal Scots Greys Officer and 92nd HighlanderNapoleonic Wars The British Army, 54mm Model Soldi...
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Painted in Matt

T54 459 Marshal Kellerman Painted

T54 459 Marshal KellermanThe French Army of the Napoleonic Wars 1809, 54mm Model SoldiersAll the figure...
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Painted in Matt

T54 574 Officer 2nd Royal North British Dragoons the Scots Greys 1815 Painted

T54 574 Officer2nd Royal North British Dragoons the Scots Greys 1815Napoleonic Wars The British Army, 5...
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Painted in Matt

T54 055 Trumpeter Carabiniers c.1812 Painted

T54 055 TrumpeterFrench Carabiniers c.1812The French Army of the Napoleonic Wars, 54mm Model SoldiersAl...
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Painted in Matt

M54 47 The Captive eagle Waterloo, Corporal Styles 1815 Painted

M54 47 The Captive eagle Waterloo, Corporal Styles 1815Corporal Styles, 1st Royal Dragoons Waterloo 181...
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Painted in Matt

Sqn80 012 Pony Major with Mascot Parachute Regiment c. 1984 Painted

Sqn80 012 Pony Major with Mascot Parachute Regiment c. 1984 Painted 80mm Models
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Painted in Matt

AL90 51 T.S. King Charles XIV Johan Painted

AL90 51 T.S. King Charles XIV JohanKing 1818 - 1844Born 1763 26 January, Date of Death 1844 8 March...
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AL90 06 T.S. Officer Infantry Painted

AL90 06 T.S. Officer InfantryThe Swedish Army 168390mm Model Soldiers
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Painted in Matt

TM90 12 Officer Emperors Cossack Escort 1900 Painted

TM90 12 OfficerThe Russian Army, 90mm Model SoldiersAll the figures are made from white metal and are a...
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Painted in Matt
Displaying 1 to 24
of 11306 products
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