Tradition of London

MK13 Toy Soldier Set Joan of
Arc Painted


Painted in Gloss

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SKU: Toy-set-MK13

Viewed 3642 times

Shop Location: C-21-10


MK13 Toy Soldier Set Joan of Arc Painted

54mm Medieval Mounted Knights

Price Code W

Profession: French Soldier and National Heroine

Why Famous: Nick-named "the maid of Orleans" Joan of Arc was born around 1410 into a peasant family and into a France beset by internal conflicts and under attack from the English.

At the age of 12 she claimed to have had her first vision of saints and angels eventually exhorting her to aid France in driving out the English.

Arriving with the French army she successfully led attacks that broke the seige of Orleans in 1430 dressed in a suit of armour. She later helped led the army to Rheims where King Charles VII was crowned.

Joan of Arc was captured during an engagement at Compiegne and she was put on trial by the English supporter the French Bishop Pierre Cauchon.

The trial began in January 1431. Joan of Arc withstood days of interrogation before being found guilty of the charge of dressing in men's clothing. Joan agreed to don women's clothing but when she wore men's clothing again to avoid rape she was condemned for heresy and burnt at the stake on the 30th May.

A retrial 25 years later found her innocent. She was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1920.

Tradition of London

MK13 Toy Soldier Set Joan of Arc Painted


Painted in Gloss

Out of stock

SKU: Toy-set-MK13

Viewed 3642 times

Shop Location: C-21-10


MK13 Toy Soldier Set Joan of Arc Painted

54mm Medieval Mounted Knights

Price Code W

Profession: French Soldier and National Heroine

Why Famous: Nick-named "the maid of Orleans" Joan of Arc was born around 1410 into a peasant family and into a France beset by internal conflicts and under attack from the English.

At the age of 12 she claimed to have had her first vision of saints and angels eventually exhorting her to aid France in driving out the English.

Arriving with the French army she successfully led attacks that broke the seige of Orleans in 1430 dressed in a suit of armour. She later helped led the army to Rheims where King Charles VII was crowned.

Joan of Arc was captured during an engagement at Compiegne and she was put on trial by the English supporter the French Bishop Pierre Cauchon.

The trial began in January 1431. Joan of Arc withstood days of interrogation before being found guilty of the charge of dressing in men's clothing. Joan agreed to don women's clothing but when she wore men's clothing again to avoid rape she was condemned for heresy and burnt at the stake on the 30th May.

A retrial 25 years later found her innocent. She was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1920.

Tradition of London

MK13 Toy Soldier Set Joan of Arc Painted


Painted in Gloss

Out of stock

SKU: Toy-set-MK13

Viewed 3642 times

Shop Location: C-21-10


MK13 Toy Soldier Set Joan of Arc Painted

54mm Medieval Mounted Knights

Price Code W

Profession: French Soldier and National Heroine

Why Famous: Nick-named "the maid of Orleans" Joan of Arc was born around 1410 into a peasant family and into a France beset by internal conflicts and under attack from the English.

At the age of 12 she claimed to have had her first vision of saints and angels eventually exhorting her to aid France in driving out the English.

Arriving with the French army she successfully led attacks that broke the seige of Orleans in 1430 dressed in a suit of armour. She later helped led the army to Rheims where King Charles VII was crowned.

Joan of Arc was captured during an engagement at Compiegne and she was put on trial by the English supporter the French Bishop Pierre Cauchon.

The trial began in January 1431. Joan of Arc withstood days of interrogation before being found guilty of the charge of dressing in men's clothing. Joan agreed to don women's clothing but when she wore men's clothing again to avoid rape she was condemned for heresy and burnt at the stake on the 30th May.

A retrial 25 years later found her innocent. She was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1920.

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